Dear Parents, your greatest treasure is your child. Your part in the molding of their character, formation of personality and education is very valuable. You are their role models and the ones to love them genuinely. In the day's 24 hours, they are at home except for the seven hours spent in the school. Therefore, your responsibility is much more. Though a school can do a lot for child, it cannot do everything. The home is the place where she/he gets her/his first education and training in citizenship. It is the chief place where his/her character is formed and developed. School education indeed promotes the growth of personality and helps discover and develop the qualities that are in the children. In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, maximum co-operation between the parents and the school is necessary.
Please follow the following points carefully :-
- As far as possible, send your child daily to school and make sure that he/she reaches school by 8:45 a.m.
- Personal memo page in duplicate should be carefully filled in by the parent at the beginning of the academic session. Change of residence should be notified to the school office immediately.
- Look into the school diary daily and see that lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should be seen and counter-signed regularly.
- If you find that your child is not assigned home work for some time, home work/class work etc. are not checked or that the child is unable to follow the lesson, the Principal should be contacted. You are particularly requested to call for and check their answer papers which are issued after every test
- Send the child to the school only in school uniforms, so buy enough uniforms.
- Make sure that the child takes proper breakfast at home and send home-cooked food for snacks.
- Help the child to cultivate the habit of keeping the text/note books neat and without damage.
- To cultivate the habit of reading give the child good books and occasionally see what type of books they read.
- Whenever the child is absent, send a leave letter.
- Children who are ill should not be sent to the school to attend class. Once a pupil has come to school, they will not be allowed to go home before time.
- Once in every term meet the Principal and discuss about matters regarding the child.
- Be present for every Parent Teachers Meeting; on that day keep your time to meet the subject teachers.
- Encourage your child to participate in all the school programmes.
- Parents are expected to make their own transport arrangements whenever students have to come before or remain after the school hours for some competitions/activities.
- Genuinely and honestly help for the improvement of the students and school.
- Avoid criticism of a staff in the presence of the child because it undermines her respect for the staff and the school.
- As the medium of instruction is English, children should be helped to follow their classes easily by a certain amount of regular conversation in a cultural manner in this language at home.